Tuesday, 26 April 2016

IELTS (26/04/2016)

Oleh : Amru

Di FBA Orang Belajar IELTS
26 April 2016

Banda Aceh - Emperom. Di kantor Forum Bangun Aceh (FBA) orang-orang berdatangan untuk belajar IELTS-Writing, bersama Seorang Bang Asnawi. Kegiatan ini rutin, setiap hari Selasa, pukul 16:30 WIB. Kegiatan ini juga di dukung oleh V-Hub atau Volunteer Hub. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menggembangkan potensi Akademik pemuda/i yang ada di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar.

1. Orang dihormati karena.....?
A. Kaya
B. Sikapnya
C. .....

2. Kalau orang udah kaya baik lagi....?
A. Dihormati
B. Sangat dihormati
C. .......

3. Kalau orang kaya tapi sombong......?
A. Kalau lagi perlu, dihormati
B. Kalau gak perlu, gak dihormati
C. Wajar
D. .........

4. Orang miskin tapi berakhlak mulia....?
A. Walau miskin, ia tetap dihormati
B. Orang miskin itu orang hina
C. ............

5. Kalau orang sudah miskin sombong lagi....?
A. Kurang ajar
B. Gak pantas
C. Mati aja sekalian
D. ........


Rich Man and Respect

Rich man absolutely will honored by many people, but I disagree 100%. First, there are many people who respect the one that loyal. For example : he will be friend today and forever, not become enemy the other day. Second, some people respect the knowledge, not just the money. For instance : the professor will be respected than the rich man who arogant. The last, people still respect the older people. Like : children who secpect their parents.

Although, I will respect some rich man who do more charity. It is because of the atitude, not the lifestyle. In short, I will always respect more the loyal, smart, and older people than the rich man.

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